Curry Tool Company is the Nation's number one manufacturer of stainless steel trowels. Browse our on-line catalog here.
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Notice to California Residents

Californians have rights to the following information pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1789.3 and California Business and Professions Code Section 17538.

Curry Tool Company is located at 1387 Logan Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of products for sale worldwide. Currently there are no charges to the consumer for use of the Curry Tool Company web site, other than the cost of any products or services purchased therein and any applicable taxes, shipping fees, and other charges associated with such purchases. Unless otherwise stated, these charges appear for each purchase on the Order Confirmation pages relating to each purchase.

Please feel free to contact Curry Tool to resolve a complaint regarding any aspect of our service by writing to the address here, sending e-mail to or calling (714) 54-4299. Upon your request, you may have these Terms of Use sent to you by e-mail.

The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Consumer Affairs in California may be contacted in writing at 400 R. Street, Suite 3090, Sacramento, CA 95814 or by calling 1-800-952-5210.
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